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Typotheque Greta Sans (complete, originals and new version only)

Guest guitarman2009

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Looking for Originals :) and adding Symbol, Condensed, Compressed and Extended


Greta Symbol



Greta Sans Condensed



Greta Sans Compressed



Greta Sans Extended



Thanks in Advance


Edited by †Ryuk†
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Dick... I have not looked into all 83... but looking a dozen or so, they all seem to be wf-rips, with only a limited character set and no kerning :(


Actually, there seems to be 2 distinct sets of Greta Sans... one, where the names have been unified into families, and one where the names are individualized...



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Possible for sure. Thanks for looking. I didn't look down far enough for "wf-rip". It was there. Sorry for the short-lived excitement!


Can I make it up by kerning these for you? ...

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Dick... great offer... I've re-ripped the Greta Sans families, and have put some simple OT features (fi, fl, etc.), but I simply cannot find a good match for the kerning... it is a fairly extensive family, and the spacing seems pretty narrow... also, Greta Sans only has a standard Latin set, which has made finding a good kerning match difficult... I'm just about finished with all families, so will post complete set tomorrow... if you can find a way to kern them, that would be an interesting piece of magic...


Thanks, Dick

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